l.s. lowry photo
L.S. Lowry


The photographic lithograph prints are 40-50 years old, personally signed by the artist, date mainly from 1960s-1970s
Both stock, availability, and prices change frequently.
We try to have a complete collection of the artist's published work for sale, usually only one of each title,
but invariably some titles may not be found for years.
The condition is of the utmost importance and we do our best to buy and sell only work that is in excellent condition.
A phone call or email will confirm the price and availability of any work to date.

Visit the the studio in Nottinghamshire, the largest collection of LS Lowry artist signed, limited edition prints in the UK.
Please take a moment to browse and enjoy the signed limited edition prints and paintings by wildlife artist David Shepherd,
Also the work of Sir William Russell Flint whose paintings and signed limited edition prints are in great demand.
Famous for his portraits of Cecilia, Flint's greastest works illustrate the architecture and landscape throughout rural France
This holiday house near Brantome, in the area of Dordogne is ideally situated to enjoy the France.
The work of Mr L.S. Lowry has become of great artistic and financial importance of recent years. A selection of his signed prints and drawings can be viewed and bought here
Our aim is to offer our clients an excellent service at unbeatable prices.